Thursday, February 23, 2012

When the yellow shoe doesn't fit

Okay so today I got in the mail my long anticipated and much fawned over yellow shoes. I got them on Etsy and they are "vintage" 80s awesomeness! True to the picture and description they are exactly what I was expecting except for one key point. THEY ARE WAY TO SMALL! Curses! I am crushed beyond crushed. In fact I am still so cuckoo for coco puffs about these shoes I don't know if I want to send them back. At this point you are probably wondering why I am blathering on about this...It's because I think it perfectly illustrates a major point in wedding planning, or any kind of planning or my life in general actually, and that is that sometimes the things you think you really want don't work out. Like my sister/Bag of Honour said walking in those yellow heels outside in a wedding dress was going to end with a face plant or a twisted ankle. Maybe I can find some yellow flats.You got to roll with it and adjust cause sometimes the frigging shoe just won't fit. I know I know there are other shoes on the Internet and I am trying to take my own advice and roll with it. I have a laundry list of things that I thought I really really wanted but have since discarded including...
$6,000 Claire Pettibone Gown
DJing my wedding with my non existent ipod
Making the invites by hand with hand made paper
Wedding cake Pinata--universally disliked by everyone except me and my mom (thanks mom)
Pig Roast
Bird nest name card holders/favors (Brian hated them)
Matching bridesmaid dresses

And then there are the things I can't let go off...

Home brewed beer
Bow ties
Mustaches on a stick
Yellow shoes---I will keep looking I know the perfect pair is out there

What I know is all I need is the man, the dress, and someone to make it legal! With that in mind I'm going to go check the return policy on these shoes and stop sulking.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Is it to early to be freaking out?

So we're getting married even though I had almost convinced myself that it was never going to happen. As much as I would like to play it cool I will admit that I had given some thought to what our wedding would be like. What can I say I'm a sucker for a pretty dress. So when we got engaged I gave myself a brief period to revel in the holy f***ing S this is awesome and I am over the moon happy about it, and then for better or for worse I threw myself into planning THE STUFF. It wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. It turns out that being engaged did not turn me into a detail oriented super planner. I still hate shopping, and the thought of a bridal shower. And I'm still going to to obsess about every possibility like some freakish doomsday puddleglum. Still I was transfixed by the shiny, matching dresses, chairs, favors, invitations, venues, menu options, hair pins, DIY photo booth...aaahh wedding death spiral of insanity. It all made me want to stab my bloody eyes out. Too many things to decide on, way too much stuff that I was going to need. I want to get married, even want to have a wedding so didn't I sign up for all this stuff? It turns out no, not so much.
I was poking around on Etsy (I love you Etsy and someday I'm going to do something nice for you to prove it!)and a post led me here It's a blog about planning a wedding that is meaniful and practical while maintaining your sanity. There is also a book which rocks. They have spreadsheets to organize useful stuff like who is going to be responsible for bringing the beer, so you know they are for reals legit. I read a bunch of blog posts, bought the book and then it was Jesus roller blading Christ came down from the clouds and smacked the crazy out of my wedding addled brain. Thats when I realized that getting married may be the most important decision of my life so far, but my wedding day will not be the most important day of that married life. My wedding day is not the sum of my relationship and it can not possibly come close to defining it. What it will be is a celebration of our love and commitment with our friend/family, cake and beer. I don't need all that stuff unless I want that stuff, but the fantastical thing is I don't have to decide now. So with this blog it is my hope that with my new sanity guide book, and by talking about it a lot (that's how I process people) I will find my way to planning a wedding in a way that is not just practical but enjoyable. For now all I can tell you is that I have my neon yellow wedding shoes and that there will be lots of beer. Some of it may even make it to the wedding! Cheers to that!